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Mostrando entradas de febrero, 2016

Total Mustard + Haul Mis últimas Compras

feb 29, 2016

"Only those who are at risk of advancing know where can reach" Hello folks! Today I show a new look sporty chic with the ...

Star Wars Tee

feb 28, 2016

"There are no limits, only our fears stop us" Hello folks! Begins a new week, in my community, a holiday for the day of ...

Special MiniBag

feb 25, 2016

"Life is like riding a bicycle: to keep your balance, you must always be on the move" Hello folks! The weekend is here!...

Vintage Overall

feb 23, 2016

"He learned to put dots to make infinite moments" ... Hello folks ! Finally Is sunny and I can leave the coat at home, I...

Kendall Jenner Belt

feb 22, 2016

"They are the ones who hugs the plight have in life" Hello folks! Today I spent a great day, I have spent the day seei...

Studio Zara 5º Avenue NYC (Videoblog: Clones de Maquillaje Low Cost)

feb 21, 2016

"You do not look for the light when you carry it with you always" Hello folks and happy start to the week! It's v...

Only Grey

feb 18, 2016

"It just makes you need a person to change your destiny, your" Hello folks! How are you? I'm now enjoying friends w...

Turtleneck Sweater Made With Love

feb 17, 2016

"Great things are hidden behind the small details" The importance of the made with love things, I have a lot of clothes,...

Mustard&Chain Booties

feb 16, 2016

"The meaning of life is to give meaning to the life" Hello folks ! What wind does in my city! It's crazy, I couldnt d...

Stella Mccartney

feb 15, 2016

"Do things with great love" Hello guys! its rains! It has been very difficult to make the photos today, but here are an...

Because Mickey Mouse...

feb 14, 2016

"Find someone that smile you and make you feel what sometimes words arent enough" Hello folks! a new week starts after t...

Quiérete Bien, Quiéreme Mejor

feb 11, 2016

Hello Folks! Valentine´s day is coming, a very special date in which many sure you will like to show all your love to the people occupy...

The Perfect Maxi Coat

feb 10, 2016

"Love yourself, love yourself but rather" Hello folks! How are you? I speak from my grandmother's house, I love...

CozyStyle With Eternal Basics

feb 9, 2016

"There aren´t little moments if you're with great people" Hello guys! How are you? Yesterday was holidays in my city ...

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