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Mostrando entradas de 2014

Happy New Year´s Eve! -LOOK+SORTEO-

dic 30, 2014

“Hope Smiles from the threshold of the year to come,  Whispering 'it will be happier'...” I hope that in t...

VideoBlog: Special New Year´s Eve #lookdenavidadastor

dic 30, 2014

Hola amores, ya no queda nada para fin de año y yo tenía muchas ganas de compartir con vosotros un especial Maquillaje , Peinado y ...

Parka Is Always A Good Idea

dic 29, 2014

"When happiness knock at your door, takes occasion, be happy" Hello folks , today im so late!, and that this is not the po...

Beauty Stories for Xmas: La cajita de avril

dic 27, 2014

"Los pequeños detalles nunca son pequeños" Hola amigos, hacía mucho que no retomaba esta sección de "beauty stories...

Merry Xmas

dic 23, 2014

"I thought that it was an adventure, but is the real life" Merry Christmas And Christmas Eve arrived, one of the most...

Burgundy For Xmas

dic 22, 2014

"We must live as you think, if not just to think how he has lived" Hello friends!Christmas is coming! Today I show you a ...

VideoBlog-Especial Navidad: Xmas Meetings

dic 21, 2014

"That the magic becomes your best costume on Xmas" Hello folks! Is Christmas Time, I'm super happy because I love ...


dic 18, 2014

"I love the imperfection of the little things, because the imperfection of life, is the true perfection of turning perfectly on im...

VideoBlog: VIAJE- ¿Qué llevo en mi neceser?

dic 17, 2014

Hola amores! Fuisteis muchas las que me preguntasteis durante mi viaje a Granada "¿Qué esenciales llevarías en tu neceser para un...

Los colores del invierno

dic 16, 2014

"We know what we are, but not what we can become" Hi all, the rain has taken over my city, time is rare, gray, sad, jus...

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