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Recap Of The Week XXXI

ene 27, 2013

1.Relaxing time!
2.DY Shorts.
4.Shiro love my dinner.
5.Braid Hairstyle.
6.Memories of one outfit of he last year.
9.Post wearing my new Sheinside pull.

Follow me @shoesandbasics or Here
Mis Fotos realizadas vía Instagram, seguirme @shoesandbasics o pinchando aquí

Hola a todos, como cada Semana, aquí os dejo con mi resumen de los mejores momentos de la semana que voy subiendo y compartiendo a diario con vosotros vía Instagram. 

Os dejo con fotos inéditas, con momentos inolvidables de la semana y con algunas fotos de lo que será el outfit post de  mañana. ¿Qué os parece?

¡Os espero en Instagram!

Hello everyone, and every week here I leave you with my summary of the highlights of the week I have uploaded and shared every day with you via Instagram and a preview of my tomorrow outfit post.

I see you on Instagram and tomorrow morning with a new outfit post!

Happpy day! Enjoy!

Im waitig for you on instagram!

Os recuerdo que ¡estamos de sorteo de la mano de Leonor Designs! Podréis ganas una preciosa pulsera con sólo pincharaquí ¡os espero!

I remind you that we have a worldwide giveaway! Click Here!

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10.Memories of last summer.
11.Love this pic!
12.Recap of this week look.
13.My love.
15.Coffee time!
16.Comfy Converse.
17.Memories of when i started with my blog.
18.Sweatshirt Trend.

20.Little Shiro.
22.Good night
13.Post wearing H&M hat.
14.Rainy Day.
16.Be Happy.
17.Loving My Sneakers.

Enjoy your Sunday!

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